Pivotal Metals Limited (ASX:PVT) (‘Pivotal’ or the ‘Company’) is pleased to provide assay results from two further drill holes from its 2024 diamond drill program completed at its 100% owned Horden Lake Project in Quebec, Canada.
- HN-24-94 extends broad zones of copper rich mineralisation down-plunge of previously reported HN-24-93.
- 39.1m @ 0.97% CuEq (0.4% Cu, 0.17% Ni, 0.06g/t Au, 0.14g/t Pd) plus additional 0.07g/t Pt, 131ppm Co, 4.7g/t Ag from 154.1m
- Including 19.7m at 1.41% CuEq from 163.6m
- Includes multiple 2-3m sections grading >2% CuEq
- Drill hole infills a large area, almost 100m from any previous drill hole
- HN-24-95 confirms mineralisation continuity below HN-24-92.
- 4.95m @ 0.66% CuEq (0.23% Cu, 0.12% Ni, 0.05g/t Au, 0.14g/t Pd) plus additional 0.05g/t Pt, 240ppm Co, 3.3g/t Ag from 155.7m
- Assay results and mineralisation consistent with the lower magnetic response between the central and southern zones of the deposit
- Significant gold, silver, palladium, platinum and cobalt metals delineated once again, which were not assayed for in this part of the deposit during previous drill campaigns.
- Consistent news-flow ahead, including results from the remaining 6,392 m / 30 diamond drill holes and downhole EM surveys to be released progressively through the quarter, followed by mineral resource update and metallurgical testwork in H2.
Managing Director, Mr Fairhall said:
“Horden Lake delivers further confirmation of the wide zones of mineralisation indicative of the large, open-pittable copper project that has been defined on the project. The meaningful assays of palladium, gold, cobalt, platinum and silver, previously ignored, further reinforce the upside potential of this asset.
Logging and analysis continues, and we expect consistent news flow over the coming months as we release assays and downhole geophysics interpretations to target both grade and tonnage upside potential on the project.”
Horden Lake is a copper dominant Cu-Ni-Au-PGM-Co Project located 131km north-northwest of Matagami, in Quebec Canada. The Project hosts a 28mt at 1.5% CuEq indicated and inferred mineral resource estimate, as a result of over 52,464m of drilling already completed on the property. Pivotal has recently completed a 7,097m 34 hole diamond drilling campaign. 2 drill holes / 264m have been reported prior to this announcement.
The objectives of the drilling program were to infill missing by-product multi-element assay information, potentially expand the resource (which remains open at depth across its full extent), and collect a distribution of metallurgical sample for a complete test work program. Downhole EM surveys have also been completed to dimension future exploration potential and targeting.
Figure 1: Drill plan map of the Horden Lake Cu-Ni-Au-PGM Project
Drill Hole Discussion
Holes HN-24-92 and HN-24-93 were designed to target gaps in the resource blocks, infill and add additional missing metals assay information. Table 1 contains significant intercepts, and Figure 2 is a longitudinal section showing the spatial distribution of historical and new drill hole pierce points.
Click here for the full ASX Release
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